CR Dentistry Update Speaker Bio

Derek K. Hein, CEO

Derek Hein

Derek K. Hein is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of CR Foundation, the educational non-profit foundation founded by Dr. Gordon J. Christensen and Dr. Rella Christensen, formerly known as CRA. He has current responsibilities to oversee publication of the Gordon J. Christensen Clinicians Report, Continuing Education, Professional Relations, Product Distribution, and the CR Foundation’s operations. CR Foundation exists as the only non-profit, independent research institute that tests and compares dental products and techniques from around the world to confirm efficacy and clinical usefulness. Results are published in the monthly Gordon J. Christensen Clinicians Report which is circulated to 92 countries and is available online at

Derek was born and reared in Utah and graduated Cum Laude from Utah State University. Following graduation, he was employed by Biotechnology Center at Utah State University, and later at Hyclone Laboratories (now Thomas Scientific) in their Research and Development Department. After more than 30 years with CR, Derek considers himself foremost a dental product researcher and educator.

Derek joined CR in 1990 with the main responsibility to oversee and manage long-term clinical studies of dental restorative materials. Currently, he contributes to dental research as a member of the International Association for Dental Research and has abstracts published on restorative resins, various inlay/onlay restorative materials, and single-unit crowns. Derek has co-authored papers on in-office tooth bleaching systems and dental unit water quality. He presents dental continuing education programs for CR on various topics, including “Cutting Edge Dental Products,” “Infection Control,” and “Innovative and Helpful Concepts for Dental Hygienists.” He has co-presented the Gordon J. Christensen CR “Dentistry Update” with Dr. Gordon J. Christensen, Dr. Michael Dorociak, Dr. Karl Koerner, and Dr. David Clark. Derek has been featured by Dentistry Today as one of the “Leaders in Continuing Education.” Over the past 20 years, Derek has presented over 275 courses in 95 U.S. locations and 11 other countries.